Wednesday 1 May 2013

Almost There!

Well well well my 12 week body overhaul and road to health self-challenge is nearly finished, I have some seem amazing changes in my body, yes I have lost weight, not much but I have toned so much all over that I look thinner. I haven’t lost much weight because I was doing weights so I gained muscle, and that muscle replaced my fat! I have lost so many centimetres it’s not funny (I didn’t take my measurements from when I first started but wow just in a few weeks it’s crazy) I’m so very pleased that I kept with it and made the unpleasant getting sweaty and hot and bothered into something I cannot go without. I’ve changed from the person who would go home and dive into a bag of chips or cupcakes and watch TV for hours, I now go home and just out of habit I put on my gym clothes and running shoes, even if I don’t go to the gym I always put them on weird ay…

My healthy and somewhat clean eating have made a big impact on my skin, hair and nails and had aided my body overhaul! My hair is so much softer and growing faster and stronger, my nails are no longer these horrible things that crack and break and my face is clear and expect for that one time of the month pimple that always pops up -.-
 I used to never eat breakfast and binge on chocolates and lollies until I would tuck into my oversized lunch then eat all afternoon, now my body knows 7am breakfast! 10:30 morning snack! 12:30 Lunch bitch! 2:30 snack 7pm dinner! If I go over these times it’s like a warzone in my stomach crazy animal noises start. Which is great I love routine J

My goal was to be a healthy example for my friends and family and I have reached that, they aren’t all munching on carrot sticks and my brothers are still fussy fucks who won’t eat vegetables or anything other than pizza and chicken nuggets. (but that’s not my role to make them eat proper food that’s mum and dads and like most kids these days there’s no sitting down at the table and being forced to eat your steak and vegetables… sad) but anyways my mum and dad have started to take fruit to work and are buying more vegetables and having smaller portions and making healthier options, so very proud J even my boyfriend is sometime donning a healthy hat and he is always willing to eat whatever I cook him.

I’m even starting to see some weight loss on my dog, she’s a beagle and a bit overweight because well.. she’s a beagle.. I weighed her a while back and she was 22kg now she’s 20kg, it’s not much but so much better for her, she loves to go out and run (for the first bit then I pretty much drag her home because she’s exhausted) and small all that fresh air and bark at strangers, and my parents annoying little dog gets sad when we leave so ive started to bring him along too now it’s like watching a circus act when I walk both of them, going in different directions and pulling me along, time to ge tout the old choker chain and train them.

I’m so excited to get my final weight in next Friday and measurements and have it all and out in the openJ

Monday 22 April 2013


So after a boozy and foody weekend, I kicked off my week with a workout that where I burnt a personal best of 550 calories! Was amazing! Felt so good afterwards, very hungry but. Im teaching both my dogs to walk on the lead and that I crazy my big dog bella is fine, she loves being out of the yard and loves to run with me, the little one has never left the yard before and is scared of the lead, poor little fella, but swear he was trying to kill me. Cris crossing all over the place, trying to jog and he’d go under my feet! Frustrating!!
People with big dogs should always walk them with a lead on, because yesterday some fucktard didn’t have his great Danes on a lead and when his horse sized dogs tried to eat mine he didn’t give two fucks just kept walking like nothing was happening. Cheers dick…

Anyways its day 12 of my Skinnyme tea detox and I have only lost just 1khg only just though, I don’t know how these girls are losing 5 – 10kg in 2 weeks, I ate clean (maybe had a binge twice) I exercised every day and went hard but no just 1kg, not being ungrateful I love this 1kg lose but still I wanted to have amazing results like all the others, I guess it works different for everyone… WHYYY!!! But still I recommend this to anyone who is willing to follow the eating plan the provide strictly, I believe that knocking out all those foods (even on a normal diet) will induce weight loss, drastic weight loss. Give it a go I say its not going to hurt you it’s just tea

I still have 4kg until I reach my goal weight… it’s a long haul ahead but I’m ready to do it! I’m aiming to drop another in the next two weeks before my boyfriend’s 21st birthday where all his family will be.. argh!! So I’m pumping up my workouts by walking the dogs for 30 – 40 mins then going to the gym for an hour or so. It’s so much easier to run out side then on a treadmill… so much more pleasant, especially when it’s the late afternoon and the sun is setting and the cold air is setting in and it’s all nice and crisp, and your super sweaty. I’m aiming with this new workout schedule to burn 400 – 500 calories a day which will hopefully leave me 0.5kg lighter each week J

I cannot wait until I reach my goal weight to be able to post those before and after photos J my first and hopefully last ever before and after J I’m not quite sure what my start weight was but by judging from when I got on the digital scales I had added 2kg from what I thought I was so I think my start weight was around 67 – 68kg and now I’m 64kg J only a few more to go. It’s not easy but when eating healthy and exercising is a habit you aren’t forced to go out and exercise it’s not a chore it’s a pleasure you want to do it.
I have changed so much, I used to hate getting sweaty and exercising now I love it, being hot and bothered is the best feeling, I can’t wait to get home and but my gym clothes on and get in the car and go! Makes my day it really does. I feel so lazy when I don’t go to the gym or go for a walk I feel like I’m letting myself down.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Instagram? Insta-motivation

I don’t know how many people use instagram the way I do, I use it for motivation and advice. The people I follow are my friends and heaps of fitspo’s they always have up great pics of bodies and their diets and workouts and it’s a great boost for when you’re feeling a bit ehhhh I jump on and skim through their posts and feel a new sense of motivation. Ive started doing it now, posting my own inspiration and motivation and what I eat and workouts.

If you want to follow me on ‘insty’ as some of my friends call it hahaha


pass it around

Dont go fooling yourself Hombre

So I have started my teatox and its working wonders, has a bit of a funky taste and the colon cleanse the smell is iffy but it’s still great, I’ve lost half a kilo with it and not following the plan….. but still doing my regular exercise.
Today I’ve started with the plan.
-          No white bread or grain
-          No meat (may have small serve of chicken though)
-          No alcohol or soft drinks, I don’t really drink either of these so this doesn’t faze me
-          No cow’s milk, this is hard but I’m going to buy soy milk this arv and give it a go.
-          Having green tea instead of coffee
-          + more I cannot remember the rest for the life of me but yeah this is the gist of it.

The colon cleanse isn’t as scary or dramatic as I thought it was going to, this is a bit gross, but its ‘cleaning me out’ but it’s not a constant OMG I HAVE TO GO it’s just the regular time once a day. Just helps to clear it all out. I’m actually thinking of opening the bag and ingesting the tea leaves (the instructions say you can drink them so why not).

Exercise over the weekend was hard…. I had no motivation to go out and do anything just felt down and sore and a bit unwell, and not to mention I fucked my knee running my dog the other day.. so everything hurts! But I have a goal this week to burn 650 calories a day. This girl I have on instagram is aiming to burn 1500 calories a day! That’s bloody insane but good on her I say. If she can do it that’s great. I’m aiming for something I know I can achieve if I push myself. I know that if I stay on the treadmill for 40 mins I will burn 300 calories and if I mix it up I will get them oooozing out of my fat cells! BURN BITCHES BURN!

TIP: be honest with yourself and set goals you can achieve in a timeframe that suits your abilities, make time for errors and slack days and most of all make sure you rest.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Shut the fuck up Bro!

So this is totally un-related to my blog but need to vent or I will probably go postal on my department. I don’t know about anyone else but I hate the sound of people eating drinking etc.. this one fucking person who sits in front of me is terrible they sit there every day and eat god damn soup and slurp the fucking thing and after every mouth full exhale like a grizzly bear… seriously our office is dead silent and you’re going to sit there and slurp so loudly it’s like a fucking tsunami… have some respect for your co-workers and shut the fuck up and go eat in the lunch area you dick! Fuck you!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Finally! Its Here - Skinnyme Tea Come At ME!!

Finally! Yesterday I finally received my 14 day teatox! It was within the 7 – 10 day wait but all the public holidays made it longer L but it’s here! Ad my first morning cup today, it’s not that bad actually, not the most wonderful thing in the world but its tea… haha! It says you need a tea infuser but I could not find one anywhere so I left the leaves in for the 5 mins then strained it out into a bowl then put it back into a cup, worked the same I think.  So this is what it looks like >>> not too bad, looks like green tea with floaties

 Tonight is going to be the first time for the colon cleanse tea, a little scared but it should be good and worth it, tomorrow will definitely be a learning curb, seeing as the colon cleanse tea is meant to have a laxative effect. Argh!

Yesterday I was pumped to go to the gym after my rest day and burn out this excess energy I had, go to the gym and did my run and got on the cross trainer, next minute, get a phone call, my boyfriend has done his back in and needed to go to the hospital.. so had to drag my sweat ass out of the gym and take him to the hospital. Only burned 160 calories L and all he needed was some pain killers -.-
At least today it’s a rainy day and I can make the most of the gym and go hard as fuck!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Wowzers - Time Flies!

Another week bites the dust, wow how the weeks are flying by! Had a great weekend even though it was rainy and miserable in town still made the most of it (exercise wise) walked/jogged my fat dog for 3.5km around town, did some at working out, squats lunges squat jumps J Sunday morning gym short session, then walked Bella again then off to the gym after the walk. Was a great weekend burnt heaps of calories and I am SORE today!!
I downloaded the Lorna Jane app for iPhone and it is brilliant! I pick walk and hit start and the clever little things tracks where you go, the distance, how fast on average you went, calories and more, best app ever!

This week I was so close to burning my goal of 3500 calories, I made it to 3070… bit sad but makes me want to push myself harder, and seeing that it is only 4 weeks until Kirt’s 21st makes me want to be even better!! Want to look fit and healthy for his party! So very excited!
Still waiting on my Skinnyme Tea to arrive taking its sweet time to get here! But can’t wait for it to get here, I think I’m going to struggle a bit with the strict clean eating diet plan that they advise to see maximum results, no meat, little or no grains. These two pretty much make up my diet as is, I work out of town and working long hours during the day and then gym every day after work leaves very little time for food prep. But I guess I’m going to have to ditch the good ol sandwich and opt for something different. Praise the lord I will not be eating a salad every day! I would kill someone at work if I had to have cold boring lunches each day.

But other than that, I’m seeing great changes in my body, I can see more definition in my stomach that I never had before, slimmer looking arms (had to tighten my watch!) a slightly smaller waist, but still have more to go! I’ve been trying to find a measuring tape to take down my measurements and see the improvements, apparently they are really hard to find these days…. Rather relying on the scales, because muscle is denser than fat. But was quite thrilled to jump on and see that they had gone from 65kg down to 64.6, I know it’s not much of a difference but to me it’s exciting!

I would like to announce that I have been soft drink free for a whole month now! I used to live off that shit! I would find nothing more refreshing than a big sip of cold coke, but now I reach for my icy bottle of water and add some lemon, hits the spot for sure. I don’t know how I used to guzzle down so much of the stuff, and seeing how much sugar is in a can made me realise what I’ve been doing to my body. Crazy monkey balls!
My poor teeth, now I know why the dentist hates me, they have been through battle. But now with my new healthy lifestyle they can rest and revitalise. The more sugar that I have cut out of my diet the more that I don’t have those cravings for coke or want for a cookie, but a girl cannot resist the chocolate binge when it’s that time of the month, one piece of dark chocolate and I’m cured! Dark chocolate does the trick and is a lot tastier, not quite as creamy or delectable as milk chocolate or white chocolate but its great J even better when you dip fruit into it! Mmmm yummy. But everyone has their own opinion.